Why The Roo's Energy Audit Is Essential To Your Solar Solution


We start our audits by measuring your electrical currents over a period of time. From that information, we can work out how much power each appliance/device uses and what it’s costing you to operate. After reviewing and analysing this information, we will provide recommendations to help you reduce energy consumption and subsequently save on your power bills. These recommendations can be things such as changing to LED lighting, improving insulation, replacing appliances that are energy-inefficient and/or installing solar. To learn more, download our free eBook: “6 Ways to Avoid a Shonky Solar Deal” ~ https://go.rt-d.com/roos-ebook

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A business cannot survive without a committed relationship with its community and customers. At Roo’s Electrical, we are your true locals and our commitment is to solve every one of your electrical needs using quality products, delivered with outstanding service, attention to detail and genuine care.
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